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Ordered by preference:



(if not)


(if not)


(if not)


(if not)


(Where to find bargains if you don't mind about the destination Viajeros Piratas // Holiday Pirates // Voyages Pirates)




Besides getting positive karma points it is always the cheapest option! While in Asia, you can visit the buddhist canteens where you can get the healthiest and most delicious local dishes for few dollars. Here some of my favorites: Dali (Yunnan, China), Hong Kong, Chiang Mai (Thailand)

While living in Hong Kong I use to do the groceries at the wet market buying the"ugly" or damage food that the old ladies sell half price. Fight food-waste and save money!



I realized how much money I could save eating fruit instead of industrial snacks everytime I am craving for sweets: it is better for my health, for my pocket and  it is PLASTIC FREE!



1.Under the stars (sometimes I travel with my pillow. I know it takes a big portion of my backpack but I love lying out anywhere ANYWHERE)


3.Workaway and HelpX*


*Don't do it because it is "free". Make the most of it and find a project that you feel identify with. It is an awesome opportunity to get new skills and get to know deeper new communities.



Get a good insurance and don't hesitate to visit the doctor when needed. Anyways I think we should be educated to PREVENT  it first. Observe and listen to your body. Breath consicously. Read your body.

-Keep your backpack light 

-Keep your reusable water bottle with you and drink constantly (sometimes I put lemon or ginger inside)

-I like to carry my seeds and chia with me to make sure I am full of power.

-If I get pimples I know my body is not asking for make up but for water and more healthy food. OBSERVE. Am I eating well? Drinking enough water? Being active?



The lighter the better. Trust me, forget about the "just in case".
Few clothing for a week will be enough to travel as long as you want. 

And if the climate change you can always try to barter with other travelers! 

Practice detachment and experience the freedom:) 


The Magic Formula:

After traveling for a while around the world with such a little money I got with the The Magic Formula: the best choice for the environment happens to be the most exciting option that happens to be the best for your pocket. Why would I want a 5 stars Hotel when I can get thousand of them  sleeping in my hammock under the Milky Way ?


I won't give you any travel guide telling you where to go but I'll share the basics of my travel style. Now you can find your own paradises and live your own adventures:)

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